The most unpopular first names - page 6
First name | Gender | Origin | Rating for this first name |
Munefisa |  | Bosnia | 1.73 out of 15 votes |
Sevgi |  | Turkish | 1.73 out of 15 votes |
Agica |  | Bosnia | 1.73 out of 11 votes |
Cemalettin |  | Turkish | 1.75 out of 12 votes |
Nedzmija |  | Bosnia | 1.75 out of 12 votes |
Vehbija |  | Bosnia | 1.75 out of 12 votes |
Aelfwine |  | Old English | 1.75 out of 8 votes |
Ancel |  | English | 1.75 out of 4 votes |
Cenhelm |  | Old English | 1.75 out of 4 votes |
Demarco |  | English | 1.75 out of 4 votes |